Asharucorp History
1992- Ira Rosenblum and fledgling Performance Promoter Alfred Fredel first conceive of a small business model which focuses and holds the intention of creating a hybrid environment that features live performance and retail music sales in the "World Music" genre. The result is the formulation of a conceptual entity named Metaphile Multicultural Multimedia, or, MMM. Concordantly, Mr. Fredel and Mr. Rosenblum form a scriptwriting association (FLR Associates) with Mr. Kevin Lennon and go on to solicite a television script, and later, another script treatment for sale.
1994- Mr. Fredel withdraws from the project and is briefly replaced by Cesar Ruiz. Afterward Mr. Rosenblum evolves the notion of Asharucorp and fuses it with Metaphile Multimedia Multicultural and the entity is known as MMMAsharucorp.
1995- Mr. Ruiz is replaced by Mazin Chami and MMMAsharucorp is relegated to an umbrella broadly defined under the aegis of Mr. Rosenblum's freelance music and music purchasing consulting career.
1996- The partnership between Mr. Chami and Mr. Rosenblum results in the creation of the "Earth Corporation", which produced several comprehensive, but low-net projection business plans extrapolated from expansions of the original 1992 concept. While locations were explored and studies were made, the company was incapable of generating the resourses necessary for a successful launch, mainly due to investors concerns relating to the dominance of existing powerful and high-yield entities. 1997- The Earth Corporation, sometimes referred to as Earth Corp., was de-activated and the partnership between Mr. Chami and Mr. Rosenblum was brought to an amiable conclusion.
1998-2001- All launch asperations and as well as any privare consulting interests by Mr. Rosenblum were made independent of any of the prior corporate appelations including Asharucorp.
2002- Mr. Rosenblum and Mr. Cavanna first meet and discuss a number of initiatives including the 1997 plan and their shared interest in technology and real estate but no action is taken as far as structuring.
2005- After a lengthy hiatus, Mr. Rosenblum commences private consulting once more, however, Asharucorp is in the process of being conceptually redesigned for updated circumstances.
2006- In October, Mr. Cavanna and Mr. Rosenblum commit to the formalization of their relationship and are shortly joined by Mr. Patrick Arn; President and Founder of Gotham Records. The groups prime function at the time was gaining media support for what became known as Asharucorp's Retail Media Entertainment initiative. A brief appeal is highlighted in the following month's Billboard Magazine.
2007- In May, due to commitments and the relocation of his primary business, Mr. Arn is forced to withdraw from the association.
2007- In October, the eigth version of Asharucorp's Retail Media Entertainment package is released amounting to over 200 pages of data and planning of the initiative and it's subsidiaries. Shortly thereafter, the new Asharucorp is incorporated in the State of New York.
2007- In December, Mr. Cavanna and Mr. Rosenblum concede that due to lack of financial support of the initiative, the corporation should explore its secondary directives and, of course, allow for any solo projects that either one of the partners wished to evolve separately from the shared intellectual property of the corporation.
2008- Mr. Cavanna launches a series of independent real estate websites, and continues to make headway in that area (see his real estate pages on this site and the related links). Mr. Rosenblum, after relocating, succeeds in completing work on his first full-length novel and initiates "the solicitation process". Mr. Rosenblum also begins legal negotiations directed toward an expected 2009 launch of a retail entity in West Bloomfield, Michigan which is essentially an extract from Asharucorp's Retail intiative on a microcosmic level. (see his pages regarding publishing and the "Froth" launch on this site)
2009- Mr. Cavanna launches a more comprehensive Real Estate foreclosure web-site and gains some financial backing, while Mr. Rosenblum completes work on the manuscript for his second novel. Upon relinquishing pursuit of the West Bloomfield "Froth" start-up, he turns his attention to the sale of his second manuscript and begins work on his third.