Elusive timbres and sweet cadences, stitched together in the fabric of a morose dirge, rise and fall, build up inertia, and then just as suddenly, come to a full stop - a dramatic drop. Stridently insistent and plowing across the page like the sound of drums, or in languorously undulating intonations that might rather be plucked upon the lyres of Apollo and Calliope. First person, third, past tense, present, these verbs, nouns, and adjectives, find their own way, their right order, mercilessly slain or elaborated in revision, revision, revision."
-An excerpt from "Sententiae in Scintilla..." a work of free prose by Ira Aron Rosenblum (Copyright 2010)
At one time Asharucorp was an incorporated entity whose goal was to establish a unique media entertainment retail environment in NYC that was designed to draw on diverse revenue streams and state of the art technological advances. Though this project attracted much attention, including Tower Records & Video Founder (and friend) Russ Solomon, the partners have since moved on to a number of exciting new directions, and now Asharucorp.net serves as a gateway into author Ira Aron Rosenblum's, writing, art and music endeavors.
As a writer, Mr. Rosenblum supports in the traditional publishing paradigm, and concordantly, it should be clear that aside from all economic and sociological concerns, or technological ramifications that affect the artistic community as a whole, Mr. Rosenblum, as a creator, is first and foremost dedicated to his own vision, craft, artistic process, and its resultant product. Since 2008 Mr. Rosenblum has doggedly written (and re-written) his major works of fiction, and has produced two complete manuscripts - "The Albigensian Seed" and "The Forest Kingdom of Drisnia: The Spell of Forgetting", as well as two "Drisnia" novella companions. Four other full length projects as well as a number of tangential concepts are still in their infancy.
His collaborative work as part of "Nevekari Enterprises" - a multiple-award winning and nominated screenwriting company which pens shorts, features, and episodic series in a range of genres and for varying budgetary levels can be found on their home page.